Showing 1 – 13 od 13 results

    View to Queensboro bridge over 2nd avenue in New York City
    New York traffic and steam pipe on the street (49st)
    Taxi, New York City
    View to Queensboro bridge over 2nd avenue in New York City
    View to Queensboro bridge with steaming chimney in New York City
    View to Queensboro bridge and Tram with steaming chimney in New York City
    View to Queensboro bridge over 2nd avenue in New York City
    View to Queensboro bridge over 2nd avenue in New York City
    View to Queensboro bridge in New York City
    View to Queensboro bridge over 2nd avenue in New York City
    Queensborough bridge (color tint) in New York City
    Queensborough bridge (color tint) in New York City
    Nwe York City skyline at sunset